It’s only two weeks until you take part in the M and D Care Llanelli Half Marathon so if you haven’t already begun to, now is the time to start your taper! Some might wonder what’s the right way to taper or if you’re a newbie, you may not know what a taper is at all, so we’ve put together some tips for you!

Plan your taper
During your two weeks taper it’s important to let your body rest but not lose the fitness level you’ve gained from your training. Your longest run leading up to the race should be two weeks before your event.
Reduce your mileage
Try shorter and slightly easier workouts during the two weeks leading up to the race but make sure your strike a good balance – not too easy or too short.
Don’t shorten the taper period
It’s tempting for some to reduce their taper to the final week of the race, but it’s not recommended and won’t help you put in your best performance when it comes to the big day.
Eat normally
Nutrition is important to your body but it’s best not to try anything new and stick to what your body is used to. Our advice is to eat as you were when you were training (before your two-week taper).
Avoid strength exercises
Putting too much pressure on your body to do other exercises before race day isn’t advisable. Some may find it hard to taper but remember it is meant to help prepare you for race day. You could try a lower impact exercise like swimming or cycling if you’re desperate to feel those post exercise endorphins!